协会证书查询 查询
来源:中国数据分析行业网 | 时间:2016-11-08 | 作者:数据委
1. Spark 2.0在大规模查询性能方面可达1.6版本的2.4倍。二者的小规模查询性能基本持平。
Spark 2.0 improved its large query performance by an average of 2.4X over Spark 1.6 (so upgrade!). Small query performance was already good and remained roughly the same.
2. Impala 2.6版本在大规模查询性能可达2.3版本的2.8倍,小规模查询基本持平。
Impala 2.6 is 2.8X as fast for large queries as version 2.3. Small query performance was already good and remained roughly the same.
3. Hive 2.1配合LLAP在大规模查询场景下可实现1.2版本性能的3.4倍,小规模查询性能则为2倍。
Hive 2.1 with LLAP is over 3.4X faster than 1.2, and its small query performance doubled. If you're using Hive, this isn't an upgrade you can afford to skip.
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